
Daily Verb Lesson: French for leave is partir

The French for leave is the irregular IR verb partir.
To remember this, imagine as you leave the island you say, "We dePART HERE in sadness, but we will return..."
Partir can also mean: to go (off), to part, to depart, to proceed; to start, take off.
Related words include:
  - à partir de (prep) : from.
  - le départ (nm) : departure.
  - partir en retraite : to retire.
  - partir de : to start from.
Verbs ending in -tir conjugated in this way include: sentir, consentir, mentir, partir, repartir, sortir and their compounds. Note: partir, repartir, départir take être in the past compound tenses.

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           to leave : partir
Imagine as you leave the island you say, "We dePART HERE in sadness, but we will return..."
Simple Tenses partir    Present Participle: partant

pars pars part partons partez partent
Past Imperfect
partais partais partait partions partiez partaient
Simple Past
Passé Simple

partis partis partit partîmes partîtes partirent

will leave
partirai partiras partira partirons partirez partiront

would leave
partirais partirais partirait partirions partiriez partiraient
Present Subjunctive

may leave
parte partes parte partions partiez partent
Compound Tenses partir     Past Participle: parti(e)(s)
Present Perfect
Passé Composé

have left
suis parti (e) es parti(e) est parti(e) sommes parti(e)(s) êtes parti(e)(s) sont parti(e)(s)
Past Perfect

had left
étais parti(e) étais parti(e) était parti(e) étions parti(e)(s) étiez parti(e)(s) étaient parti(e)(s)
Future Perfect
Futur Antérieur

will have left
serai parti(e) seras parti(e) sera parti(e) serons parti(e)(s) serez parti(e)(s) seront parti(e)(s)
Conditional Perfect
Conditionnel Passé

would have left
serais parti(e) serais parti(e) serait parti(e) serions parti(e)(s) seriez parti(e)(s) seraient parti(e)(s)

pars ! partons ! partez !
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 ✔    partir is an irregular IR verb.
 ✔    Learn partir and it will reinforce the pattern for ALL those other irregular IR verbs.
 ✔    Do these verbs every day for a month and you will have a solid knowledge of the IR verbs' conjugation patterns.

More Verbs like the French verb partir - French for leave

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