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Why stain that Man Utd shirt with charcoal? NewsZine#44 200 Words a Day
April 01, 2009

200 Words a Day! Newzine #44
Why stain your Manchester United shirt with charcoal?
01 April, 2009


  1. Check out our Testimonials.
  2. Learn Ascii Codes - typing foreign / accented characters.
  3. SPANISH Tip: Why stain your Manchester United shirt with Charcoal?
  4. GERMAN Tip: Is that Abe Lincoln sending a letter?
  5. WELSH Tip: That's not enough digging!
  6. FRENCH Freeebie: Podcast Download for Course 1 Lesson 2
  7. ITALIAN Freeebie: Don't Hug Leo - he loves garlic!
  8. Competition Victor for March 2009
Check out our Testimonials
Don't just listen to us, hear directly from users of 200 Words a Day! language learning programmes... take a look at our 200 Words a Day! Testimonials

We are continually improving the 200 Words a Day! software using suggestions based largely on customer feedback - so tell us about the progress you are making with 200 Words a Day!

We hope you will share you successes with us.

Learn Ascii Codes to use with your 200 Words a Day! programme.
When typing a foreign word in Kinaesethic Mode or in a Test, you’ll know how to type an accented or foreign character using the Standard Microsoft Shortcut keystrokes ...

But what if you want to type an accented or foreign character in your Student Notes? These Shortcuts don't work there! There is a way around this problem - Learn Ascii Codes to type an accented character in Student Notes

Spanish Tip: Why stain your Manchester United shirt with Charcoal?
Check out this cartoon Memory Trigger for the Spanish verb for to stain ... Spanish Memory Trigger

German Tip: Is that ABE Lincoln sending a letter?
Check out this cartoon Memory Trigger for the German word for sender ... German Memory Trigger

Welsh Tip: That's not enough digging?
Find out why with this cartoon Memory Trigger for the Welsh word for enough... Welsh Memory Trigger

French Podcast Download
This dialogue accompanies Lesson 2 - People from the 200 Words a Day! French Course 1. Learn the words, then listen to them in this dialogue.
French Lesson 2 Narrative and Dialogue download.
A great way to review your French lessons, and consolidate. You can download this mp3 file to your iPod and hear (again and again) a great little conversation between two native French speakers, Charlotte and Carlos.

Italian Tip: Don't HUG LEO - he likes garlic!
Check out this new Italian cartoon from the forthcoming
Italian Course


Remember, all our courses are now available via instant download. You will need a broadband connection. Just follow the instructions to download your new 200 Words a Day! successfully.

If you buy the CD, ask us for the download as well - you can then begin while you are waiting for it to arrive.

Competition Victors
Two successful entrants have won a 200 Words a Day! course - if your name is here please contact us by email to get your fr:e:e download of a course in the language of your choice.


Adiós - au revoir - auf wiedersehen - hwyl fawr - arrivederci!.

Kevin Crocombe and the 200 Words a Day Team


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