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More Crazy Memory Triggers
September 07, 2009

200 Words a Day! Newzine #45
More Crazy Memory Triggers
09 September, 2009


  1. SPANISH Tip: What MAD thing did MOTHER buy in MADrid?
  2. FRENCH Tip: Why is ROSIE WATERING the roses with ROSÉ wine?
  3. GERMAN Tip: The German-coloured FISH with the soccer star.
  4. ITALIAN Tip: Why are Italian SISTERS so SURREAL!?
  5. WELSH Tip: Elvis PRESley with bags of MONEY in North Wales?
  6. Existing customers - need a replacement copy?
  7. Existing customers - save or transfer your database to another computer.
  8. Competition Victors

SPANISH Tip: What MAD thing did mother buy in Madrid?
Your mother came back with a sting-RAY? Check out this cartoon Memory Trigger for the Spanish word for mother...
Spanish Memory Trigger

French Tip: Why is ROSIE O'Donnell watering the ROSES with ROSÉ wine?
So why is ROSIE watering them with ROSÉ wine? Remember the silly pic and you will remember the French verb for to water with this Memory Trigger ...
French Memory Trigger

French Tip: Ever wondered about the French circumflex?
The French circumflex, that little Chinese hat over certain letters, has special significance. It will give you clues to lots of French words, that are similar to English words.

Words like hôpital in French used to be hospital, but the 's' got dropped over history. The circumflex indicates that it is missing from the French word.
There are dozens more and you will remember a load of them from this page on the
French circumflex.
German Tip: Why the German-coloured FISH with the soccer star?
Why a yellow, black and red fish? They are the colours of the German flag, and have special significance to help you remember some German words. Check out this cartoon Memory Trigger of Mark Fish and the German word for fish ...
German Memory Trigger

Italian Tip: ITALIAN: Sisters are so SURREAL!
Your sister's SURREAL paintings are SO RELA-tively interesting. Check out this new Italian cartoon to help you learn and remember the
Italian word for Sister

Welsh Tip: What's Elvis PRESley doing with bags of MONEY in North Wales?
Find out why there is a PRESS gang of Elvis PRES-ley types with money, with this cartoon Memory Trigger for the North Walian word for money... Check out the
Welsh Memory Trigger for money

Remember, all our courses are now available via instant download. You will need a broadband connection and follow the instructions given.
If you buy the CD, ask us for the download as well - you can then begin while you are waiting for it to arrive.

Existing Customers: Computer problems? Download expired? Lost your CD? Upgraded your Computer?
Replace your existing 200 Words a Day! Course 1 & 2 with the latest Combo versions, including Sentences, e-Flashcardz, and now with Widescreen capability (1024 x 600 Resolution). Order your replacement here.

Save or transfer your existing database to a new computer.
You may wish to save your existing 200 Words a Day! database for safe-keeping, or transfer it from an old computer to a new one, so you can continue to build with your previous progress. We'll show you how here: Save or transfer your Database.

Competition Victors
Four successful entrants have won a 200 Words a Day! course - if your name is here please contact us by email to get your fr:e:e download of a course in the language of your choice.


Adiós - au revoir - auf wiedersehen - hwyl fawr - arrivederci!.

Kevin Crocombe and the 200 Words a Day Team


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