Excelerated Learning - 'accelerated excellence' in accelerated language learning
I regularly get emails from people telling me that 'excelerated' should be spelt 'accelerated'.
Excelerated is a word we coined from:
excellent and accelerated.
And it incorporates our company's trading name 'exceltra', which incorporates the words 'excel' and 'ultra'.
I love the word, and was pretty peeved to find that, after doing a search on Google, I was not even the first to come up with it. Don't you just hate it when that happens!
So I could not even copyright it and claim it as our own invention.
Anyway our Award Winning EXCELERATED LEARNING software is designed to make learning easy. We combine the techniques of the world's Memory Masters, with modern software, cartoon pictures, audio visuals, multimedia and cutting edge learning techniques to make software for language superlearning.
Our 200 Words a Day! series makes learning of foreign vocabulary a breeze.
Not just learning, but remembering and recalling foreign language vocab.
Because every single word is taught with a Memory Trigger, a Memory Hook, a link that triggers your mind to the learned material.
The Memory Masters of the world teach us that to best remember something you should visualize it in a crazy, goofy, silly scene.
The more vivid, crazy, silly, lively the image of the Memory Trigger, the deeper the 'embedding' in the subconscious, and the easier the recall of the item.
And... our research has shown that when someone has a picture to depict the visualization, the learning and the recall of the Memory Trigger is much, much easier.
Especially if it is combined with audio, text and other clues that bring in as many of the body's senses as possible.
And each Memory Trigger in the 200 Words a Day! courses is packed with various memory devices. The more things you can remember about a picture, the deeper the memory is implanted into the subconscious, and the easier the recall.
Here are our excelerated learning courses.
200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Course #1 CD-Rom - 1000+ words and common phrases.
200 Words a Day! LEARN Spanish Course #1 e-Book.
- - to accompany the Learn Spanish 200 Words a Day Course #1 CD-Rom or be used on its own. Over 150 pages of color, and with all the color pictures in the Spanish 200 Words a Day! Course #1 CD-Rom. Read it on the bus, train, plane or in the park on your lunch break. Use it as a learning consolidator or the sole source!
200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases.
200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Grammar Course UNDERSTANDING POR and PARA.
- - 600+ words and common phrases using POR and PARA. Lots of easy ways to REMEMBER when to use these tricky little words. Word-association cartoon pics will remind you of hundreds of real-life examples. Hundreds of sample sentences, using all the main tenses... so you get to simultaneously practice your verbs in the present, past, future, conditional, subjunctives, you name it. All voiced by native Spanish speakers (of course). A super-consolidation course with new learning, reinforcement of 'already-learned' material and superlearning pics.
200 Words a Day! LEARN SPANISH Grammar Course UNDERSTANDING SER and ESTAR in Spanish.
- - 600+ words and common phrases using SER and ESTAR. Lots of easy ways to REMEMBER when to use these tricky little verbs that cause no end of long-term grief for Spanish learners. Word-association cartoon pics will remind you of hundreds of real-life examples. Hundreds of practice sentences, using all the main verb tenses... so you get to simultaneously practice your ser and estar verbs in the present, past, future, conditional, subjunctives, you name it. All voiced by native Spanish speakers (of course). A super-consolidation course with new learning, reinforcement of 'already-learned' material and superlearning pics. An ESTAR Bunny reminds you of ESTAR concepts and a SER-pent reminds you of SER concepts. Come and meet SER-lock Holmes who will remind you of certain SER concepts.
All relate to the 200 Words a Day! courses, using the Memory Triggers for the main words, and allow you to put some of the vocab you have learned, into action. The pictures in the 101 Spanish Proverbs Course all come from Course #1 or Course #2 Spanish, and if you click on them, they will take you to the ‘Memory Trigger’. A great tool for consolidation of your Spanish learning.
Foreign Service Institute FSI Spanish Programmatic Course Volume #1
Used by the US State Department to train Spanish language skills to thousands of diplomats and government personnel over many decades. Comes with a 600+ page pdf manual (including the Isntructor manual) and 12 hours of audio of native Spanish speakers, designed to get the learner of Spanish to a competent stage of conversational Spanish. The ideal, nuts and bolts course to combine with the superlearning techniques of the 200 Words a Day! system.
200 Words a Day! LEARN FRENCH Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases
200 Words a Day! LEARN FRENCH Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases
LEARN 101 FRENCH PROVERBS - 101 Proverbs
All proverbs have been selected to relate to the 200 Words a Day! French courses, using the Memory Triggers for the main words, and allow you to put some of the vocabulary you have learned, into action. The pictures in the 101 French Proverbs Course all come from Course #1 or Course #2 French, and if you click on the picture, you'll be taken to the original word's ‘Memory Trigger’. A great tool for consolidation of your French learning.
Foreign Service Institute FSI French Course #1 (Revised) - Volume I
Used by the US State Department to train thousands of diplomats and government personnel over many decades. Comes with a 455 page pdf manual and 12 hours of audio of native French speakers, designed to get the French learner to a competent stage of conversational French. The ideal, 'nuts and bolts' course to combine with the superlearning techniques of the 200 Words a Day! system.
200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN Course #1 - 1000+ most common words and common phrases.
200 Words a Day! LEARN GERMAN Course #2 - 1000+ words and common phrases.
Now available. Check out superlearning German.
LEARN 101 GERMAN PROVERBS - 101 Proverbs
All these German proverbs have been selected to relate to the 200 Words a Day! German courses, using the Memory Triggers for the main words in those courses, and allow you to put into action some of the vocabulary you have learned. The pictures in the 101 German Proverbs Course all come from Course #1 German, and if you click on the picture, you'll be taken to the original word's ‘Memory Trigger’. A great tool for consolidation of your German learning, and hearing German in action.
200 Words a Day! LEARN WELSH Course #1 - 1000+ words and common phrases
Excelerated Learning Spanish ¦ Excelerated Learning French ¦ Excelerated Learning German ¦ Excelerated Learning Welsh ¦ Excelerated Learning Italian
200 Words a Day! and Exceltra
2004-2023 All Rights Reserved
Exclerated Learning Award Winning Software from 200words-a-day.com.
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