The French for leap is the regular IR verb bondir.
To remember this, imagine James BOND leaps carrying a giant EAR! Bondir can also mean: to spring, to bound, to leap about; to react furiously, to hit the roof. Related words include:
- bondir sur : to pounce on, to lunge at.
- le bondissement (nm) : bound, leap.
- bondissant (present participle/adj) : leaping, bounding.
- la bondisserie (nf) : laundry (place).
- bondir de joie : to jump for joy.
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to leap: bondir
Imagine James BONDleaps carrying a giant EAR!
✔ bondir is a regular IR verb. ✔
Learn bondir and it will reinforce the pattern for ALL those other regular IR verbs. ✔
Do these verbs every day for a month and you will have a solid knowledge of the IR verbs' conjugation patterns.
More Verbs like the French verb bondir - French for leap
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