Conclude in French
Verb conclure: to conclude

There is no difference between thefirst meaning of the French verb Conclure the English one. This verb gives the noun conclusion(f) and its past participle is conclu (e).
Be careful! In French slang, it means: "getting a date (with a girl)" or "having sex", so French people might tease you with it.

Here are some sentences that illustrate when to use the French verb conclure:

  • Les deux hommes d'affaires viennent de conclure un accord.
    The two businessmen have just concluded/come to an agreement.
  • Elle en a conclu qu'il lui avait menti.
    She concluded that he had lied to her.
  • Après plusieurs tentatives d'approche, il a finalement conclu avec cette fille.
    After many attempts to approach her, he finally got a date with this girl.
  • Chacun a tiré ses propres conclusions de l'affaire.
    Every one drew their own conclusions from this case.

Idioms using the French verb conclure:

  • En tirer ses propres conclusions = to draw one's own conclusions.
  • En conclure que = come to the conclusion that/to conclude that
  • Affaire conclue! = We have a deal!
  • Un conclusion hâtive = a hasty conclusion

The French verb conclure in context:

Janvier 2008. Les conclusions du rapport Attali encouragent le Gouvernement à relancer l'immigration.

La Commission Attali s'est récemment réunie pour mettre au point toute une série de réformes qui définiront la conduite et les actions de Nicolas Sarkozy. Le Président a promis qu'il suivrait la majorité de ces quelques 300 propositions.

Or, il advient que l'une des plus importantes préconise la relance de l'immigration, allant carrément à l'encontre de la politique du dirigeant, étant donné qu'il avait basé sa campagne sur le principe de "quotas d'immigration" pour justement limiter celle-ci.

Jacques Attali soutient que l'immigration est nécessaire à la bonne marche de l'économie du pays mais limite ce besoin à certains secteurs d'activités. De plus, la France nécessiterait des travailleurs qualifiés et pense en puiser davantage parmi les immigrants.

Cette idée pourrait paraître stupide dans la mesure où le pays compte environ 10 millions de chômeurs (et autant d'immigrés) susceptibles d'être formés pour occuper ces postes à pourvoir. Toutefois, selon des chiffres émanant du Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances, le pays devra recruter plusieurs milliers de personnes par an d'ici 2015 pour répondre aux besoins du marché du travail.

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English translation

January 2008. The Conclusions of the Attali Report encourage the Government to boost immigration.

The Attali Commission has recently met to create a series of reforms that define the leadership and actions of Nicolas Sarkozy. The President promised he would apply the majority of these 300 suggestions.

It just so happens amongst one of the most important recommendations is the boosting of immigration, but it goes totally against the politics of the leader, given he based his campaign on the principle of 'immigration quotas' precisely aimed at limiting this.

Jacques Attali insists on the fact that immigration is necessary for the smooth running of the country's economy but limits this necessity to some sectors of activity. What is more, France would need skilled workers and is thinking of looking for more of them among the immigrants.

This idea could seem ridiculous as the country counts about 10 million of unemployed people (and as many immigrants) that could be trained to fill these available jobs.

However, according to some figures coming from the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, the country will have to recruit thousands of people per year until 2015 in order to satisfy the needs of the work market.

Cultural information:

Jacques Attali: Socialist Party politician who advises leaders

Written and compiled by Charlotte Chateau.

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French verb to conclude is conclure

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