The verb in French for be, (to be) is the verb être.
Être is one of the most important verbs in French. Learners of the language therefore must learn it thoroughly. It's an irregular verb, pretty much following its own patterns of endings.
It is also used to make certain COMPOUND TENSES in French, for certain verbs of motion and for reflexive verbs. (Don't worry if you don't know what these mean. You can cover them later). Compound tenses are words like "I had gone", "they had come" etc.
Take a couple of minutes to read aloud ALL the verb conjugations of être below -
(1) by ROW and by (2) COLUMN,
... then check out more on this word below the verb table.
to be: être
Imagine Shakespeare says, "to be or not to be is an ATTRActive thought!"
Simple Tenses être |
je/j' |
tu |
il |
nous |
vous |
ils |
Present Présent am / is / are |
suis |
es |
est |
sommes |
êtes |
sont |
Past Imperfect Imparfait was / were |
étais |
étais |
était |
étions |
étiez |
étaient |
Simple Past Passé Simple was / were |
fus |
fus |
fut |
fûmes |
fûtes |
furent |
Future Futur will be |
serai |
seras |
sera |
serons |
serez |
seront |
Conditional Conditionnel would be |
serais |
serais |
serait |
serions |
seriez |
seraient |
Subjunctive Subjonctif may be |
sois |
sois |
soit |
soyons |
soyez |
soient |
Compound Tenses être |
Present Perfect Passé Composé have been |
ai été |
as été |
a été |
avons été |
avez été |
ont été |
Past Perfect Plus-que-Parfait had been |
avais été |
avais été |
avait été |
avions été |
aviez été |
avaient été |
Future Perfect Futur Antérieur will have been |
aurai été |
auras été |
aura été |
aurons été |
aurez été |
auront été |
Conditional Perfect Conditionnel Passé would have been |
aurais été |
aurais été |
aurait été |
aurions été |
auriez été |
auraient été |
Imperative Imperatif be! |
sois |
soyons |
soyez |
MORE on the FRENCH VERB être
Je suis en France: |
I am in France.
Il est Français: |
He is French. |
La France est en Europe: |
France is in Europe. |
Elle était contente: |
She was happy. |
- The French verb for be être is an auxiliary. An auxiliary verb is one that is used to build other tenses like the compound tenses. These are phrases like:
I had come: je suis venu (or je suis venue for a female talking)
we had gone: nous sommes allés), and such like.
- Learn to conjugate être.
- French Verbs List.
- Repeating these tables aloud 10 times throughout the day will better embed the patterns into your subconscious, and your long term memory.
- Reciting aloud is a great way for you to practice your pronunciation, and helps you to memorize the conjugations.
More Verbs like the French for be - être ✔
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