to total: totaliser
Imagine a man totals up the TOTAL EYES.
Daily Verb Lesson: French for total is totaliser
The word in French for total is the regular ER verb totaliser.
To remember this, imagine a man counts the TOTAL EYES.
The man in the cartoon reminds you that the noun, le total is masculine. Masculine word = male character.
- le total: the total
- totalement: totally
- total, totale, totaux: total (adjective - m,f,pl)
Cartoon Memory Triggers will help you to increase the total French words you know, and have them ready to use.
When you want to remember a word... think of the pic!
Simple Tenses totaliser |
je/j' |
tu |
il |
nous |
vous |
ils |
Present Présent total |
totalise |
totalises |
totalise |
totalisons |
totalisez |
totalisent |
Past Imperfect Imparfait totalled |
totalisais |
totalisais |
totalisait |
totalisions |
totalisiez |
totalisaient |
Simple Past Passé Simple totalled |
totalisai |
totalisas |
totalisa |
totalisâmes |
totalisâtes |
totalisèrent |
Future Futur will total |
totaliserai |
totaliseras |
totalisera |
totaliserons |
totaliserez |
totaliseront |
Conditional Conditionnel would total |
totaliserais |
totaliserais |
totaliserait |
totaliserions |
totaliseriez |
totaliseraient |
Subjunctive Subjonctif may total |
totalise |
totalises |
totalise |
totalisions |
totalisiez |
totalisent |
Compound Tenses totaliser |
Present Perfect Passé Composé have totalled |
ai totalisé |
as totalisé |
a totalisé |
avons totalisé |
avez totalisé |
ont totalisé |
Past Perfect Plus-que-Parfait had totalled |
avais totalisé |
avais totalisé |
avait totalisé |
avions totalisé |
aviez totalisé |
avaient totalisé |
Future Perfect Futur Antérieur will have |
aurai totalisé |
auras totalisé |
aura totalisé |
aurons totalisé |
aurez totalisé |
auront totalisé |
Conditional Perfect Conditionnel Passé would have totalled |
aurais totalisé |
aurais totalisé |
aurait totalisé |
aurions totalisé |
auriez totalisé |
auraient totalisé |
Imperative Imperatif total! |
totalise ! |
totalisons ! |
totalisez ! |