French Vocab Turbobooster Learning

French Vocab Turbobooster learning:
Learn another 2,000 words of French by learning the families that convert from English

There are about 30 families of words that you can learn to turboblast your French vocab to higher levels.

Simply by changing a few letters you can convert loads of English words that you already know, and come up with their French equivalents.

We give you little cartoons for each family enabling you to remember whether the family of words is masculine or feminine.

The male or female cartoon character will remind you of the gender of the word.

And of course we also give you loads of the...

Exceptions to the French Vocab Turbobooster rules...

Yes, every rule is made to be broken and the French vocabulary turbobooster rules are no different.

Never fear our courses allow you to identify and concentrate on the exceptions.

This way you can learn them, easily memorise the rule using our snap-shot visualisations, and learn and remember the exceptions to the rules.

When are the French Vocab Turboboosters ready?

These courses are currently under development and releasing in late 2006. They will be CD-Rom software courses incorporating all the advanced 200 Words a Day! techniques.

Keep your eyes peeled.

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200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
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