The French word préservatif could be a false friend, as it does not mean "preservative" (that is translated in French by conservateur). So when French people talk about un préservatif (m), it means "condom".
For about two years, the French Health Ministry launched a prevention campaign with TV commercials, in order to encourage people to protect themselves against AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
The last survey on AIDS released at the end of August 2007 indicated that the number of contaminated people was estimated between 7000 and 6200 per year.
Also according to this survey, most of the contaminated persons are heterosexual.
The French governmental body in charge of health matters is l'Institut de veille Sanitaire (InVS): National Health Monitoring Institute.
Début 2008. Des médecins suisses faisant figure de référence affirment que les individus atteints par le VIH ou le SIDA, s'ils sont bien soignés, ne peuvent plus contaminer d'autres personnes.
Cette nouvelle peut avoir de grandes répercussions car elle peut mener des malades en couple et leur partenaire à entrevoir des rapports sans préservatif.
D'après ces médecins, cette décision appartient au partenaire sain, une fois correctement informé(e).
Pour se protéger, ils devront être parfaitement fidèles et suivre leur traitement à la lettre.
Cependant, cette théorie ne fait pas l'unanimité car il peut se produire des poussées de virus et le traitement doit subir des réajustements.
De plus, ces mêmes médecins suisses font entrevoir la possibilité de prescrire ce même traitement dès le début de la maladie pour empêcher qu'elle se propage.
Cependant, ils ne le conseillent pas d'emblée car ces médicaments sont très coûteux.
Inspired by:
Beginning of the year 2008.
Swiss Doctors who are referred to in the medical field say that people suffering form HIV or AIDS who are correctly treated can no longer contaminate other people.
This news may have important repercussions for infected people that are in a couple as their partner may hope of having sexual intercourses without condoms.
According to the Doctors, this decision belongs to the safe partner, once she or he's been correctly informed.
In order to protect themselves, they'll have to be perfectly faithful and follow the treatment scrupulously.
However, this theory does not convince everyone as viral explosions may happen and the treatment has to be constantly readapted to work.
What is more, these Swiss Doctors introduce the possibility of prescribing this treatment from the beginnings of the disease to prevent it from spreading.
However, they do not recommend it straightaway as these medicines are very expensive.
Written and compiled by Charlotte Chateau.
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French word condom is préservatif
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