German for Fish
der Fisch

der Fisch
... imagine a FISH in the German colours, held by Mark FISH (m), the South African soccer player.
Remember a German-Coloured Fish!
There are many similar words in English and in German. We help you remember them by incorporating the colours of the German flag and/or the flag itself into our cartoons.
Hence our German-coloured fish.
You will also remember that the German for fish is a masculine word, by the character in the cartoon, Mark Fish.
Remember the picture, remember the word.
Sentences - the word in action.
Familiarise yourself with a word's usage by seeing and hearing it in a sentence. These snippets of every-day speech are written and recorded by native speakers - the best way to appreciate natural pronunciation and intonation.
Just click on the picture to view the sentence in the course, then return back to continue with learning the rest of the words the lesson, like German for fish.
The Sentences courses can also be run as independent lessons, with their own testing and revision schedules.
They are particularly useful for advancing your learning further, practising with more words and everyday phrases.
Was für ein farbenreicher Fisch!
What a colourful fish!
e-Flashcardz - photographic visuals
See the German for fish e-Flashcard photographic visual below ... der Fisch.
The e-Flashcardz option adds variety to both your learning and testing of new vocabulary. You have a computerised version of traditional flashcards, while enjoying all the interactive learning features of our software.
With e-Flashcardz you have an alternative format to the Memory Triggers - it's particularly useful for testing and revision. We find it most effective to learn with the Memory Triggers, and later test in the e-Flashcardz mode.
You can switch between the Memory Trigger and e-Flashcardz modes at any time you wish.
Learn German for Fish
and over 1000 Other Words Per Course
Order yours now - Download or CD
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Remember, a picture paints a 1000 words and the innovative 200 Words a Day! programme gives you many features and options to adapt to your learning style:
- Over 1000+ words per course 1 or 2.
- A memory trigger & unique picture for every word.
- Gender triggers teach genders at the same time.
- Native speakers for perfect pronunciation and intonation.
- Multi-modal – suits all learning styles.
- Visual, aural, kinaesthetic learning modes.
- Suitable for CSE / US school syllabi
- All ages– children/adults - learning difficulties.
- School Site Licences available - contact us.
- Multi-user - individual databases for up to 6 students
- 40+ lessons per course
- Fun, user-friendly.
- Learning/revision/testing schedule at optimal times.
- Learning rates - scores auto-calculated.
- Dictionary English-Foreign / Foreign-English.
- Build-your-own-Lessons
- Upgradable with future courses.
- Easy on-screen help functions with a right click.
- Blitz your Worst words. Auto-updates.
- Superlearning Music for optimal learning state.
200 Words a Day! German 1 Combo1,000+ words & e-Flashcardz & Sentences ...... US$67.00 / UK£34.50 |
US$67.00CD-Rom Download | UK£34.95CD-Rom Download |
200 Words a Day! German Course 2 Combo1,000+ words & e-Flashcardz & Sentences ...... US$67.00 / UK£34.50 |
| UK£34.95CD-Rom
Bonus: 200 Words a Day! 101 German Proverbs |
200 Words a Day! German Courses 1&2 Bundle2,000+ words & e-Flashcardz & Sentences & FSI Grammar US$127.00 / UK£63.50 |
| UK£63.00CD-Rom
Bonus: 200 Words a Day! 101 German Proverbs FSI German Grammar |
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365-day Money-back Guarantee applies if genuinely not to your satisfaction.Extra SignedFor Delivery for CD-Roms U.K. and Worldwide US$5.50 / UK£4.00 Required for all African, Central and South American and Asian countries. Optional cover for rest of world - for peace of mind. Signature obtained upon delivery. Insured and trackable.
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What computers will our CD-Roms run on?
Our programmes are suitable for the following operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista.
For Apple Macintosh users, our programme works only with PC Emulator programmes.
Contact Us
Please contact us by email should you have require more information or have any suggestions for improvements.
We hope you may share your progress and successes with us.
200 Words a Day! German for Fish
Excelerated Language Learning Software
Superlearning German made easy and simple
Transcity Properties Ltd, Trading as Exceltra, 200 Words a Day!
32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
MK14 5EF, United Kingdom © 2009 - German for fish.