Italian for noisy

Have you heard the rumor?

rumoroso (m) = noisy in Italian

Just imagine a very noisy bar full of
RUMOR - OH SO noisy!"

rumoroso sounds very similiar in English to RUMOR ... so we've used this connection for our Memory Trigger, incorporating it as a link between the Italian word and the English sound.

Visualise the picture and imagine the next time you're in a bar it's very noisy, and all you can hear are people spreading gossip and RUMOR, OH SO much rumor ...

Sentences - the word in action.

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Native Italian speakers use commonly-used everyday sentences. Practise listening to natural Italian intonation. Practise writing the sentences as well, with many useful new expressions for you to learn.

The Sentences run as an independent course, with lessons, and tests and learning schedules. They can also be accessed from the word course, just by clicking on the picture.

Great for extension practice and enhancing your learning.

Questo ristorante è pulito ma rumoroso.
This restaurant is clean but noisy.

e-Flashcardz - photographic visuals


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Great photographic visuals to complement the Memory Trigger cartoons - ideal for testing and revision stages.

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These are the personal pronouns for I, he, she, it, they and the various forms of you (formal or informal, singular or plural).

io = I

tu = you - informal, singular

lui, lei, Lei = he, she (& it), you (formal singular)

noi = we

voi, Voi = you (plural - informal & formal

loro = they

Every verb has a different end for each person/pronoun. The pronouns are often dropped in speech, the verb ending and context usually being sufficient to know who is being spoken about.

However, there are occasions they will be used, namely:

If the sentence is ambiguous.

Does the shirt belong to you (formal,singular)? Does the shirt belong to her?

For emphasis:

I'm not the one to blame.

In certain expressions:

sono io = it is I / it is me

you (singular) - informal or formal?

tu - informal - use for family, friends, people your own age or younger

Lei - formal - use when addressing a stranger or a superior or older person you don't know well.

Lei is usually written with a capital letter.

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200 Words a Day! Learn Italian for noisy

*Cartoon by Mitch Loldoit

200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
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