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Upgrade existing Course 1Course 1 users will like the way the words in Learn Spanish Course 2 blend in to your current ‘200 Words a Day!’ system, doubling the number of words in your dictionary and complementing your current database. All your scores, personal notes, and self built lessons will be retained from Course 1. Course 2 - for Intermediate Learners.You do not need Course 1 to run Course 2, and intermediate learners can go straight to Course 2, using it as a ‘stand-alone’ programme. If at a later date you wish to add Course 1, that's no problem either. Another 1,000+ words with our memorable Memory Triggers, Cartoons, pics & animationsAs a 200 Words a Day! user you'll understand how our system works, using pictures of zany scenes, to make a word memorable, while incorporating a gender trigger in the pic, and an appropriate voice. Closely look at the cartoon above. The women remind you it is a feminine word. In the programme you will hear it pronounced by a native female Spanish speaker. Red colour coding is another clue to help you rememeber that this is a feminine noun. Genders are very important in Spanish grammar. Here's another example...
Again, you'll instinctively know that el balde is a masculine word. The male character and male voice reminds you of this, the blue colour-coding also highlights it, so it will be implanted in to your subconscious for instant recall.
Software Enhancements ...We're continually developing our software, mostly implementing suggestions from customers. Some improvements to Course 2, include a revamped system for calculating and presenting your learning rates. You’ll now see your ‘Initial Learning Rate’ (in words per day), as well as your Overall Learning Rate that takes into account the time spent reviewing lessons, and tests. VoicesMore voices make the sound triggers more memorable. We’ve incorporated new techniques making the audio parts of the course more memorable, and easier to recall by further increasing the uniqueness of each Memory Trigger. The voices stick in your mind, as do the pictures... it's multi-modal.... audio, visual and text, and if you choose, kinesthetic. As always native speakers, for whom Spanish is their mother-tongue, have voiced all the Spanish words, so you can hear Spanish pronunciation as it should be. The number of words per lesson have been reduced by around half, so you can learn in smaller chunks - 10-15 words - at a time. We’ve added more features - such as a listing, in the Lesson Menu, of the number of words you’ve learned in each lesson versus the number of words in that lesson, allowing the student to know which lessons s/he has attempted, and whether s/he has completed the lesson, or still has work to do on it. This makes this information just that much more easily accessible, at a glance. You can also now click on the appropriate column in the ‘Words Learned’ to see a List of the Words in that Lesson. Enhanced Re-Sort in Learn Spanish Course 2We’ve also added enhanced Lesson Re-Sort facilities in Course 2. So, now with a click of a button, you can re-sort your lessons in the Lesson Menu, and the Test Menu, into one of eight ways:
In addition to that we've made it easier to see what words are in each lesson. Just click on the 'Words Learned' column beside the lesson and you'll get a mini-menu of the words in the lesson. Below you can see the screen-shot of the Lesson Menu where there is a mini-menu showing the contents of Lesson 24.
You can list Lessons in Numerical order with a mouse-click. You can also see a mini-menu with the words in Lesson 24. (If you have Course 1 these enhancements, of course, apply to the material in Course 1 as well). ....and there's more...The Course features all the points of Course 1 (plus improvements) and blends together to give you a dictionary and vocabulary of over 2,000 words, plus hundreds of grammar notes. Again each and every word has a unique picture or cartoon as a Memory Trigger, a male voicing masculine words and a female voicing feminine words.
With the information and techniques you get from your 200 Words a Day! Learn Spanish courses, you will not only:
The 'My Worst Words' lesson allows you to focus and concentrate on the words that give you trouble. The List and Lesson is constantly and automatically ranked and updated, so that you know just what these words are .... ...you’ll even see the scores you’ve achieved for each of these words over the entire time you’ve used the course. Turbo-blast your Spanish learning with this CD-Rom course!
By completing our 200 Words a Day Learn Spanish Course 1 and Course 2 you will have built, in minimum studying time, a solid foundation of vocabulary, giving your Spanish learning a significant boost. Our courses are perfect for the beginner who wants to make quick headway, and build up a solid vocabulary base, for someone on a quick trip or holiday in a Spanish speaking country, or for the serious student about to embark on a course of study. Our courses are also perfect for someone returning to studying the language after a break.... no matter how long. Users will tell you that the techniques we use are perfect for those who thought they were ‘language learning impaired!’ Order 200 Words a Day! Learn Spanish Course #2 now....!Order your 200 Words a Day! Learn Spanish Course 2 below. Remember, it can be bought as a 'stand-alone' program, running on its own, or, if you already have Course 1 it will merge with it, retaining all your current data, scores and personal notes. What computers will our CD-Roms run on?Our programmes are suitable for the following operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista. For Apple Macintosh users, here is what Jan has told us: "I have a IMac and installed Virtual PC for MAC Version 7 with Windows XP home edition and your programme runs very well on it." - Cheers, Jan. Order Your Copy Here:
UK Prices are approximate only.
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