Rapid conjugation of Spanish verbs just got a bit easier.......
Rapid conjugation of Spanish verbs from the -AR family of verbs is possible with these easy-to-learn techniques...
1. Take most nouns ending in -TION in English, change it to -CIÓN and you have the equivalent noun in Spanish.
There you have over 200 nouns.
They are all feminine.
So operation becomes la operación
preparation becomes la preparación
determination becomes la determinación
declaration becomes la decalaración
concentration becomes la concentración
Now, if you know your standard PATTERNS of verb endings you can quickly convert these to verbs.
Here's how...
Let's use the word PREPARACIÓN.
Take off the -ACIÓN, and to PREPAR- (the stem) add the verb endings in accordance with this pattern.
Add o-as-a-amos-áis-an.
I prepare - add 'o' - yo preparo or just preparo.
you prepare (informal singular)- add 'as' - tú preparas or just preparas.
he prepares - él prepara or just prepara.
you prepare (formal singular) - usted prepara or just prepara.
we prepare - nosotros preparamos or just preparamos.
you prepare (informal plural) - vosotros preparáis, or just preparáis.
they prepare - ellos preparan or just preparan.
you prepare (formal plural) - ustedes preparan or just preparan.
So we also get yo opero, determino, declaro, concentro.
tú operas, determinas, declaras, concentras.
él opera, determina, determina, concentra...etc, etc, etc.
So if you know the pattern of endings - these six endings for the present tense, you now can conjugate 200 verbs in the 8 personal pronouns (I, you (formal and informal, singular and plural), he, she, it, we, they), you can manage 200 verbs x 8 pronouns = 1,600 conjugations.
See how easy rapid conjugation of Spanish verbs can be!
...and we can add the various patterns of endings to rapidly build up your knowledge, to the point where I can give you the tools to quickly add another verb conjugations and compound verb phrases.
For example to form the past tense, you just add the 6 ENDING PATTERNS é-aste-ó-amos-asteis-aronto the STEM, PREPAR-.
I prepared - yo preparé
you prepared (informal singular) - tú preparaste
he prepared - él preparó
you prepared (formal singular) - usted preparó
we prepared - nosotros preparamos
you prepared (informal plural) - vosotros preparasteis
they prepared - ellos prepararon
you prepared (formal plural) - ustedes prepararon
Another 200 verbs x 8 pronouns = 1,600 conjugations.
We can do the same for several other phrases like 'I was preparing', 'I am preparing', 'I had prepared', 'I had been preparing', 'I have been preparing'.
Just learn the ENDINGS PATTERNS, and snap them onto the STEM like in these examples.
This is part of the Excelerated Spanish Verbs Course which is under development and the Exceltra Spanish TurboBooster Course which is under development, and due for release in 2007. The Turbobooster Course covers the 30-odd families of words that convert from English to Spanish in an instant, giving your Spanish a superblast.... but...but...but
but... as always there is a 'catch'.... and that is why you need our course!
Because there are always exceptions to the rules, and the exceptions need also to be taught. Yes, we teach the rules, but for the exceptions you will get a Memory Trigger cartoon, Gender Trigger, native voices voicing it and the ability to test yourself.
Superlearning Spanish vocabulary is made very easy with the superlearning systems of the 200 Words a Day! Learn Spanish system.
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