The verb for to sleep
in Spanish

... imagine you sleep in the DORMItory
- this DORM 'ERE!
dormirse - to fall asleep
Check the cartoon picture out, memorise it... then learn the conjugations in the various Spanish verb tenses.
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Present Participle |
Past Participle |
durmiendo = sleeping |
dormido = slept |
The past participle is very important as it is used to form the various compound tenses, seven of which are used in modern Spanish conversation and writing. Check out the tenses in the tables below.
Verb dormir fully conjugated. The Spanish for sleep.
The 7 Simple Tenses of the conjugated Spanish verb dormir - to sleep
Present Tense - Presente |
yo |
duermo |
I (am) |
- sleep
- sleeping
- do sleep |
tú |
duermes |
you (are) (inf.sing) |
él, ella ----- usted |
duerme |
he, she, it (is) ----- you (are) (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormimos |
we (are) |
vosotros |
dormís |
you (are) ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
duermen |
they (are) (m/f) ----- you (are) ( |
Example Spanish sentences of the verb dormir conjugated in the present indicative tense:
Yo duermo en mi cama.
I sleep in my bed.
Imperfect Indicative Tense Imperfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
dormía |
I (was) |
- slept
- sleeping
- used to sleep |
tú |
dormías |
you (were) (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
dormía |
he, she, it (was) ----- you (were) (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormíamos |
we (were) |
vosotros |
dormíais |
you (were) ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
dormían |
they (m/f) you (were) ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormir conjugated in the imperfect indicative tense:
Ellos dormían en la casa de su abuela.
They (m) used to sleep / were sleeping at their grandmother’s house.
Preterit Tense - Pretérito |
yo |
dormí |
I |
slept |
tú |
dormiste |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
durmió |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormimos |
we |
vosotros |
dormisteis |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
durmieron |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormir conjugated in the preterit tense:
Yo dormí en ese hotel la semana pasada.
I slept in that hotel last week.
Future Tense - Futuro |
yo |
dormiré |
I |
- will sleep
- will be sleeping |
tú |
dormirás |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
dormirá |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormiremos |
we |
vosotros |
dormiréis |
you ( |
ellos ellas ustedes |
dormirán |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example sentence of the verb dormir, Spanish for to sleep - conjugated in the future tense:
Ana dormirá en la casa de su amiga mañana.
Ana will be sleeping at her friend’s house tomorrow.
Conditional Tense - Potencial Simple |
yo |
dormiría |
I |
would sleep |
tú |
dormirías |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
dormiría |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormiríamos |
we |
vosotros |
dormiríais |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
dormirían |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example sentence of the verb dormir Spanish for to sleep, conjugated in the conditional tense:
Ella no dormiría toda la semana fuera de su casa.
She wouldn’t sleep out of (away from) her house the whole week.
Present Subjunctive Tense - Presente de Subjuntivo |
yo |
duerme |
I |
- may sleep
- may be sleeping |
tú |
duermes |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
duerme |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
dormemos |
we |
vosotros |
dorméis |
you ( |
ellos ellas ustedes |
duermen |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormir conjugated in the present subjunctive tense:
Espero que duermas mejor esta noche.
I hope that you (may) sleep better tonight.
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Imperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
durmiera |
(that) I |
(maybe) slept (in the past) |
tú |
durmieras |
(that) you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
durmiera |
(that) he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
durmiéramos |
(that) we |
vosotros |
durmierais |
(that) you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
durmieran |
(that) they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormirse conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive –ra version tense:
Fue terrible que no durmieras bien.
It was terrible that you didn’t sleep well.
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version - Imperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
durmiese |
(that) I |
(maybe) slept (in the past) |
tú |
durmieses |
(that) you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
durmiese |
(that) he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
durmiésemos |
(that) we |
vosotros |
durmieseis |
(that) you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
durmiesen |
(that) they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormir conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive –se version tense:
Fue terrible que no durmieses bien.
It was terrible that you didn’t sleep well.
The 7 Compound Tenses of dormir, the verb in Spanish for to sleep.
All compound tenses are composed of the conjugated auxiliary verb
haber and the past participle of dormir.
haber + dormido
Present Perfect Tense - Perfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
he dormido |
I |
have slept |
tú |
has dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella ----- usted |
ha dormido |
he, she, it ----- you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hemos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
habéis dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
han dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example sentence of dormirse, Spanish for to remember, with the verb conjugated in the present perfect (perfecto de indicativo) tense:
No han dormido en la nueva cama todavía.
(They) haven’t slept in their new bed yet.
Past Perfect Tense Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
había dormido |
I |
had slept |
tú |
habías dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
había dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habíamos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
habíais dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habían dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example sentence of the verb dormir Spanish for to sleep, conjugated in the past perfect (pluscuamperfecto de indicativo) tense:
Él había dormido toda la tarde.
He had slept all afternoon.
Future Perfect Tense - Futuro Perfecto |
yo |
habré dormido |
I |
will have slept |
tú |
habrás dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
habrá dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habremos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
habréis dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habrán dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb dormir conjugated in the Future Perfect tense:
Habré dormido mi siesta para las cuatro.
I will have slept my siesta by four o’clock.
Conditional Perfect Tense - Potencial Compuesto |
yo |
habría dormido |
I |
would have slept |
tú |
habrías dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
habría dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habríamos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
habríais dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habrían dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb
dormir conjugated in the
Conditional Perfect:
Él habría dormido mejor si no hubiera tosido toda la noche.
He would have slept better if he hadn’t coughed all night.
Preterit Perfect Tense Pretérito Perfecto or Anterior (used mostly in formal writing) |
yo |
hube dormido |
I |
had slept |
tú |
hubiste dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubo dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubimos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
hubisteis dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubieron dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example sentence of the verb dormir, the verb in Spanish for to sleep conjugated in the Preterit Perfect Tense (Also known as pretérito anterior - past anterior):
Después que hubo dormido todo el invierno, el oso despertó.
After he had slept all winter, the bear woke up.
Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense Perfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
haya dormido |
I |
(may) have slept |
tú |
hayas dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
haya dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hayamos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
hayáis dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hayan dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb
dormir conjugated in the
Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense:
No es posible que yo haya dormido tanto.
It’s not possible that I (may have) slept so long.
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
hubiera dormido |
I |
(may) had slept |
tú |
hubieras dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubiera dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubiéramos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
hubierais dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubieran dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb
dormir conjugated in the
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo:
Esperabamos que los niños hubieran dormido bien en el campamento.
We were hoping that the children had slept well in the camp.
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
hubiese dormido |
I |
(may) had slept |
tú |
hubieses dormido |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubiese dormido |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubiésemos dormido |
we |
vosotros |
hubieseis dormido |
you ( |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubiesen dormido |
they (m/f) you ( |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb
dormir conjugated in the
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version:
Esperabamos que los niños hubiesen dormido bien en el campamento.
We were hoping that the children had slept well in the camp.
Imperative Imperativo |
Sleep! |
Don't sleep! |
you (inf.sing) |
tú |
¡duerme! |
¡no duermas! |
you (form.sing) |
usted |
¡duerma! |
¡no duerma! |
(Let) us |
nosotros |
¡durmamos! |
¡no durmamos! |
you ( |
vosotros |
¡dormid! |
¡no durmáis! |
you ( |
ustedes |
¡duerman! |
¡no duerman! |
Note: The Spanish upside down exclamation mark (¡) is required before a command/exclamation and a normal exclamation mark (!) following it.
¡No te duermas!
Don’t you sleep! / Don't fall asleep! (inf.sing)
Other notes to do with dormir, the verb for to sleep in Spanish:
dormitar - to doze
dormir a pierna suelta - to sleep soundly / to sleep like a log
Lit. to sleep like a dead leg.
dormir como una piedra - to sleep like a log.
Lit. to sleep like a stone.
dormir la siesta - to sleep a siesta / to take an afternoon nap
dormir la mona - to sleep something off e.g. a hangover
el dormitorio - bedroom, dormitory
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