The Spanish for 'delay' is la demora...

Mentally Snapshot this image for long term Spanish vocab recall...

Using the world's best digital camera - your eyes and brain - you can help yourself learn Spanish vocab more rapidly than ever, by using the easy techniques of the 200 Words a Day!

The Spanish word for 'delay' is la demora...

So imagine DEMI MOORE getting DEMORA-lised while enduring a DELAY for her flight.


Delay in Spanish is la demora.

To remember the word this word picture association makes it a snap. You can learn in excess of 200 Words a Day! using these methods.

Look at the pic, and let it melt into your subconscious...

Your brain never forgets a picture. That is what the scientists tell us.

Look carefully at the pic. There is far more to it than just a Memory Trigger for a word.

The word is feminine.... so there is a feminine character. In this case, Demi Moore, the actress.

The word sounds a bit like an anagram of Demi Moore also.

On the 200 Words a Day software, the voices that speak the word have been carefully chosen to further reinforce recall.

Females voice feminine words.

Males voice masculine words.

How simple is that? And yet so effective.

Each and every word has a Gender Trigger like this.

Building your vocabulary base has never been easier with these cutting-edge techniques, all wrapped in to a computer program that you will find so easy to use.

A note for adults - if you have any trouble at all just ask the nearest ten year old for advice...

Find out more about rapidly building your Spanish vocab and language skills, using the 200 Words a Day! Learn Spanish system.

The world's Memory Masters tell us that the easiest way to remember something is to visualize it in a zany scene.

To save you all the hours of dreaming up zany scenes we provide you one with each and every word of foreign vocab.

Learning words like la demora, the Spanish word for 'delay' has just become so super-simple.

Exceltra specializes in teaching Excelerated Spanish Language learning through visual, auditory, kinesthetic multi-modal stimulation.

Learn Spanish Course #1 | Learn Spanish Course #2 | Understanding Por and Para in Spanish | 101 Spanish Proverbs

200 Words a Day! Excelerated Language Learning Software

200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
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