The Verb in Spanish for take, to carry, or to wear is ... llevar Here's the fully conjugated verb in all the tenses plus practise sentences...
The word, or verb in Spanish for take, to wear or to carry is llevar. To most rapidly and effectively learn this, use a Memory Trigger like the cartoon below....

llevar - Spanish for take, to wear, to carry
Here are the all the conjugations of llevar, the verb in Spanish for take, carry, wear.
Check the cartoon picture out, memorise it... then learn the conjugations in the various Spanish verb tenses.
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Present Participle |
Past Participle |
llevando = taking/carrying/wearing |
llevado = took/carried/wore |
The past participle is very important as it is used to form the various compound tenses, seven of which are used in modern Spanish conversation and writing. Check out the tenses in the tables below.
Verb llevar fully conjugated. The Spanish for take, to wear, to carry
The 7 Simple Tenses of the conjugated Spanish verb llevar - to take, carry , wear
Present Tense - Presente |
yo |
llevo |
I (am) |
- take, carry
- taking, carrying, wearing
- do take, carry, wear |
tú |
llevas |
you (are) (inf.sing) |
él, ella ----- usted |
lleva |
he, she, it (is) ----- you (are) (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevamos |
we (are) |
vosotros |
lleváis |
you (are) (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevan |
they (are) (m/f) ----- you (are) (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the present indicative tense:
O te lo llevas o lo dejas.
You can either take it or leave it. (inf.sing)
Imperfect Indicative Tense Imperfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
llevaba |
I (was) |
- took, carried, wore
- taking, carrying, wearing
- used to take, carry, wear |
tú |
llevabas |
you (were) (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevaba |
he, she, it (was) ----- you (were) (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevábamos |
we (were) |
vosotros |
llevabais |
you (were) (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevaban |
they (m/f) you (were) (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the imperfect indicative tense:
Los niños llevaban sus libros en la mano.
The boys were carrying their books in their hand(s).
Preterit Tense - Pretérito |
yo |
llevé |
I |
took, carried, wore |
tú |
llevaste |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevó |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevamos |
we |
vosotros |
llevasteis |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevaron |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the preterit tense:
No se llevó el paraguas y vino mojado.
He didn't take his umbrella and came back soaked.
Future Tense - Futuro |
yo |
llevaré |
I |
- will take, carry, wear
- will be taking, carrying, wearing |
tú |
llevarás |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevará |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevaremos |
we |
vosotros |
llevaréis |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos ellas ustedes |
llevarán |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example sentence of the verb llevar, Spanish for take, to carry, to wear, conjugated in the future tense:
Voy a la playa, por eso llevaré el bañador y las gafas de sol.
(I)'m going to the beach, that's why (I)’ll be wearing my swimsuit and sunglasses.
Conditional Tense - Potencial Simple |
yo |
llevaría |
I |
would take, carry, wear |
tú |
llevarías |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevaría |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevaríamos |
we |
vosotros |
llevaríais |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevarían |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example sentence of the verb llevar Spanish for take, to carry, to wear, conjugated in the conditional tense:
Le dije a mi tía que llevaríamos una torta como regalo.
I told my aunt that we would bring a cake as a present.
Present Subjunctive Tense - Presente de Subjuntivo |
yo |
lleve |
I |
- may take, carry, wear
- may be taking, carrying, wearing |
tú |
lleves |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
lleve |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevemos |
we |
vosotros |
llevéis |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos ellas ustedes |
lleven |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the present subjunctive tense:
No es necesario que me lleves a casa. Llamaré a un taxi.
(It) is not necessary that (you) take me home. I will call a taxi.
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Imperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
llevara |
(that) I |
(maybe) took, carried, wore (in the past) |
tú |
llevaras |
(that) you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevara |
(that) he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
lleváramos |
(that) we |
vosotros |
llevarais |
(that) you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevaran |
(that) they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive –ra version tense:
Mi madre insistió en que yo llevara su maleta.
My mother insisted that I carry her suitcase.
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version - Imperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
llevase |
(that) I |
(maybe) took, carried, wore (in the past) |
tú |
llevases |
(that) you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
llevase |
(that) he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
llevásemos |
(that) we |
vosotros |
llevaseis |
(that) you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
llevasen |
(that) they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive –se version tense:
Mi madre insistió en que yo llevase su maleta.
My mother insisted that I carry her suitcase.
The 7 Compound Tenses of llevar, the verb in Spanish for take, to carry, to wear.
All compound tenses are composed of the conjugated auxiliary verb haber and the past particple of llevar.
haber + llevado
Present Perfect Tense - Perfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
he llevado |
I |
have taken, carried, worn |
tú |
has llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella ----- usted |
ha llevado |
he, she, it ----- you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hemos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
habéis llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
han llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example sentence of llevar Spanish for take, to carry, to wear, with the verb conjugated in the present perfect (perfecto de indicativo) tense:
He llevado todos mis hijos al medico.
I have taken all my sons to the doctor.
Past Perfect Tense Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo |
yo |
había llevado |
I |
had taken, carried, worn |
tú |
habías llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
había llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habíamos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
habíais llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habían llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example sentence of the verb llevar Spanish for take, to carry, to wear, conjugated in the past perfect (pluscuamperfecto de indicativo) tense:
No sabía que habías llevado tu vestido nuevo a la fiesta.
I didn't know that you had worn your new dress to the party.
Future Perfect Tense - Futuro Perfecto |
yo |
habré llevado |
I |
will have taken, carried, worn |
tú |
habrás llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
habrá llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habremos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
habréis llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habrán llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the Future Perfect tense:
¿Habrá llevado Javier la basura afuera?
Has Javier taken the rubbish outside?
Conditional Perfect Tense - Potencial Compuesto |
yo |
habría llevado |
I |
would have taken, carried, worn |
tú |
habrías llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
habría llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
habríamos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
habríais llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
habrían llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the Conditional Perfect:
Habría llevado las maletas si no fueran tan pesadas.
I would have carried the suitcases if they were not so heavy.
Preterit Perfect Tense Pretérito Perfecto or Anterior (used mostly in formal writing) |
yo |
hube llevado |
I |
had taken, carried, worn |
tú |
hubiste llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubo llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubimos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
hubisteis llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubieron llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example sentence of the verb llevar, the verb in Spanish for take, to carry, to wear conjugated in the Preterit Perfect Tense (Also known as pretérito anterior - past anterior):
"La bruja fue quemada, y cuando el viento se hubo llevado sus cenizas, el cervatillo recuperó su forma de niño." "The witch was burnt, and when the wind had carried her ashes away, the fawn regained (reverted back to) its shape as a boy."
(Extract from: "Hermanito y Herminita", by The Brothers Grimm.)
Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense Perfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
haya llevado |
I |
(may) have taken, carried, worn |
tú |
hayas llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
haya llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hayamos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
hayáis llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hayan llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense:
Pueden jugar después que hayan llevado todo el equipaje.
They can play after they've carried all the equipment.
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
hubiera llevado |
I |
(may) had taken, carried, worn |
tú |
hubieras llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubiera llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubiéramos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
hubierais llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubieran llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -ra version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo:
Si hubieran llevado la camara, pudieran tomado hermosos fotos.
If they had taken the camera, they could have taken beautiful photos.
Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version - Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo |
yo |
hubiese llevado |
I |
(may) had taken, carried, worn |
tú |
hubieses llevado |
you (inf.sing) |
él, ella usted |
hubiese llevado |
he, she, it you (form.sing) |
nosotros |
hubiésemos llevado |
we |
vosotros |
hubieseis llevado |
you (inf.pl) |
ellos, ellas ustedes |
hubiesen llevado |
they (m/f) you (form.pl) |
Example Spanish sentence of the verb llevar conjugated in the Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense -se version:
Si hubiesen llevado la camara, pudieran tomado hermosos fotos.
If they had taken the camera, they could have taken beautiful photos.
Imperative Imperativo |
Take! Carry! Wear! |
Don't take! Don't carry! Don't wear! |
you (inf.sing) |
tú |
¡lleva! |
¡no lleves! |
you (form.sing) |
usted |
¡lleve! |
¡no lleve! |
(Let) us |
nosotros |
¡llevemos! |
¡no llevemos! |
you (inf.pl) |
vosotros |
¡llevad! |
¡no llevéis! |
you (form.pl) |
ustedes |
¡lleven! |
¡no lleven! |
Note: The Spanish upside down exclamation mark (¡) is required before a command/exclamation and a normal exclamation mark (!) following it.
Carry me!
Notes and other meanings of llevar, the verb in Spanish for take, wear or carry:
Remember that llevar means to take, to carry in the sense of transporting something or someone from one place to another. llevar also means:
to wear in Spanish...
i.e. to wear clothes, makeup, perfume, jewellery.
Ella lleva puesto los pantalones.
She wears the trousers. / She has the trousers on.
Llevaba un vestido rojo.
She was wearing a red dress.
Also: llevar puesto means to have on, to wear.
Also: vestir = to wear
Another use of the Spanish verb llevar is to mean to have
Lleva barba.
He has a beard. [He wears a beard, he sports a beard].
llevar una caída
to have a fall
llevar can mean to drive, or to ride in Spanish
Te llevaré en mi coche.
I’ll drive you in my car. or I'll take you in my car.
Or more literally...
You (I will) take in my car.
llevar can also be used to mean to lead in Spanish
Llevamos una vida muy ajetreada.
We lead very hectic life.
llevar can mean to follow (e.g. a route)
¿Qué dirección llevas?
Which direction are you following? (inf.sing)
llevar can also mean to conduct, direct, manage (e.g. a business) in Spanish
llevar a cabo
to carry through, to accomplish
llevar los libros
to keep the books (accounting)
is Spanish for take away as in to take (away), to carry (off), to get
llevarse bien / mal con alguien
to get along well/badly with someone
Me llevo bien con mi suegra.
I get on well with my mother-in-law.
llevarse algo de alguien
to take something from someone
llevar is also used as the verb in Spanish for take... as in time
Va a llevar una hora.
It is going to take one hour.
llevar is also used as an auxiliary verb in Spanish: llevar
+ present participle (gerundio)
Llevan tres años viviendo en Madrid.
They have been living in Madrid for three years.
Lleva una hora llorando.
She's been crying for one hour.
Another useful use of a llevar word is llevadero / llevadera (adj) which means bearable, tolerable in Spanish.
Of course the word llevadero is masculine adjective, and llevadera is the feminine adjective.
tomar is another verb in Spanish for take...
Tomar also means: to take in other senses, mostly in the sense of 'to catch', 'to grab' or 'to capture'.
Tomo el tren.
I'm taking the train.
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