Travel Word of the day in Spanish

You can add a free Travel Word of the Day in Spanish and picture to your website.

Add a Travel Spanish Word and Picture of the Day to your Website

Every day you will get a different word and picture appearing on your website.

This will give you fresh content every day without no effort on your part.

Ideal for your Tour operator website, or for travel agencies, class or personal websites.

A great help for travellers before their trip in Spanish speaking countries !!

This is how it will look on your site:

Travel Word of the Day

Simply copy the script in the box below the line and paste it to your website on the page you want it to appear:

----Copy below this line & paste to your Webpage for a Left Aligned Picture----

----Copy the stuff above this line----

Once you have made the link please do let us know your site address by contacting us via our Contact Us Page.

If you want a Center Aligned Travel Spanish Word of the Day and Pic, or Right Aligned

Center Aligned Box
Simply change the line of code that says: align="left"

Simply replace the word "left" with the word center to have a center aligned box.

Right Aligned Box
Simply replace the word "left" with the word right to have a right aligned box.

Legal Blurb - Terms & Conditions of Use

You are free to use the above 'Travel Word of the Day' links to display on your website. You may not change the code except to adjust the alignment.

Enjoy your Spanish learning.

If you like this feature do tell a friend.

Kevin Crocombe
200 Words a Day!

200 Words a Day
Spanish, German, French, Welsh Language Learning
Transcity Properties Ltd, 32 Alverton, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, MK14 5EF, United Kingdom.

IMAGINE how you'd
seeing yourself learning at a rate of 200 words a day ... the ideal companion course that complements any language course.











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