Technical Help

Installation of Software from a Download Link

Click on the Download Link

To download the 200 Words a Day! software, click on the link provided by us and you will be given the option to Save or to Run.

Select Save

It is recommended that you select Save (e.g. to My Documents).

Double click

Double click the file you've saved to start the installation and proceed, following the prompts.

Windows Vista

If you have Windows Vista, please follow these instructions AFTER the link has downloaded but BEFORE opening and running the software on Windows Vista.

Open 200 Words a Day!

Click the 200 Words a Day! icon on the desktop or access the programme through the Start Menu / Programs / Exceltra / 200 Words a Day!


If you are downloading more than one course, it is important that after the first download is installed, you run the software first before installing the second download, as follows:

  • Open the 200 Words a Day! programme as above.
  • Log on into the programme with a User Name.
  • You are prompted for a password. (If you don't wish to have a password, just press Enter twice.)
  • Then Click the X icon on your screen until you Exit out of the programme.
  • Proceed with downloading the next course.

Failure to do so will result in the second Course overwriting some files from the previously downloaded Courses.

Two Additional Programmes Required: Microsoft .NetFramework Version 2

My download won't install, I get an error message saying the file I'm trying to download is not a valid Windows 32 Application.

You need to install Microsoft .NetFramework Version 2, and should be directed to the page automatically. It is available free of charge from Microsoft -

There is more than one download illustrated on the Microsoft Web page ... unless you've got a 64 bit computer, (you'd no doubt know if you had), you want the Redistributable Package x86 Version. Then re-run our saved download again. (See also the info in box below).

Apple Quicktime

Installation of 200 Words a Day! doesn't start

Our software requires Quicktime is installed before program installation can continue. If not already installed on your computer, the above error message is displayed.

You should be taken to the free-of-charge Apple download instead:

After QuickTime is installed, you will need to re-run/click on the downloaded 200 Words a Day! file again to start installing it.

Note: We've received an e-mail from a customer indicating that the latest Version of Quicktime won't run on Windows XP without the the XP Service Pack 2 being installed. If you have this problem, we can supply a link to an old Version of Quicktime that will run on Windows XP without needing to install Service Pack 2.

Additional Technical Information Most computers already have these two programmes installed, so you shouldn't have to worry about them at all.

However, if you do encounter any problems, here is some additional information to assist you.

Microsoft .Net Framework

The download contains an MSI file (Microsoft Installer) inside a self-extracting zip. The file is extracted from the .zip automatically but Microsoft .Net Framework is needed to complete installation onto your computer.

If Microsoft .Net (Dot Net) Framework isn't already present on your computer, our installer takes you to the download page on the Microsoft Site. Normally this download link operates correctly but we've had a few complaints of the Microsoft Site being extremely slow, malfunctioning or even being offered the wrong download.

If there are problems with the Microsoft .Net link, try installing - - choose the Redistributable Package x86 Version.

Then, re-run the saved download - this should resolve the problem.


After installing our software onto your hard-drive, there is a further check carried out - to see if you have Apple QuickTime. (It is used for the background music function.)

If not present, you'll automatically be taken to the QuickTime download.

No errors have been reported so far, but here is the link if you do need more information:

Want to take a Back-up of your Database?

Perhaps you may want to take a back up of your database before upgrading just to be on the safe side. It contains all your lessons/scores/notes etc.

If you are using Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows 2000, Windows XP (Not applicable for Windows Vista) and have 200 Words a Day! Spanish for example, you should find the database in:

c:/Program Files/Exceltra/Spanish/Exceltra Spanish.mdb

Copy and save it to another folder of your choosing.

If you encounter any other problems at all, please check the FAQS for answers first.

Otherwise, send us your details by filling in the form on the
Technical Help page.

Thank you.

200 Words a Day Technical Help
Excelerated Language Learning Software
Superlearning French, German, Spanish, Welsh made easy

200 Words a Day! and Exceltra 
©Copyright 2004-2023 All Rights Reserved 

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