Technical Help
My Student Notes Icon is Missing...

How do I get it back?

If your Students Notes icon has disappeared it is most likely you've got Auto-Run switched on.

To get your icon back.

  1. Go to the Main Menu,
  2. Press "S" or click the "Settings Icon" (two cogs icon),
  3. Deselect "Auto-Run". (Ensure there is no tick in the tick-box).
  4. Return to the Main Menu and select your Lesson from the Menu.
  5. You can access Student Notes by clicking the Notebook Icon or pressing the "N" key.

Help within the Course itself...

Remember help is available within your course by right-clicking your mouse on the screen. If there is a block of text or an icon whose function you wish to know about hover the mouse over the area and right-click. Also there is an icon in the shape of a question-mark that leads to an extensive help menu.

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200 Words a Day Technical Help
My Student Notes Icon has disappeared.
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